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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in Manchester and Cheshire

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, often referred to as a "liquid nose job" or "nose fillers," is a cosmetic procedure that uses injectable fillers to alter and shape a person's nasal profile without invasive surgery. This method has gained popularity as an alternative to traditional rhinoplasty due to its minimal downtime, lower cost, and immediate results.

How Does A Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Work?

At CLNQ in Cheshire & Manchester non-surgical rhinoplasty involves the injection of a substance, typically a dermal filler, directly into the nose to modify its shape. The fillers can smooth out bumps, alter the shape of the tip of the nose, and improve nasal symmetry. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and can take as little as 15 to 30 minutes. They can also be used in patients who have previously had rhinoplasty surgery and have some small areas of irregularities.

Types of Fillers For Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

The most common types of fillers used for non-surgical rhinoplasty include:

  1. Hyaluronic Acid (HA): This is the same substance naturally found in the skin, which provides volume and hydration. These are the most commonly used dermal fillers. The most commonly used brands include Juvederm, Restylane, Maili, Teosyal, and Belotero.
  2. Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA): This substance is thicker than HA and is typically used for deeper injections or areas needing substantial enhancement. The most commonly used brand is Radiesse.
  3. Poly-L-lactic Acid: This biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic substance is not only used as a filler but also stimulates the skin's natural collagen production. Sculptra is a commonly used PLLA type of injectable.
  4. Biostimulators: This is a biodegradable synthetic material called polycaprolactone (PCL) that stimulates new collagen formation. Ellanse is a typical example of this type of filler.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Nose Fillers or non-surgical rhinoplasty has become a popular alternative to rhinoplasty surgery. After receiving non-surgical rhinoplasty Manchester & Cheshire patients can expect the benefits to include:

  • No Surgical Risks: As there is no surgery involved, risks associated with anaesthesia and surgery are eliminated.
  • Minimal Downtime: Patients can often return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Reversibility: Some types of fillers, like hyaluronic acid, can be dissolved if the results are unsatisfactory. This is a very helpful way of seeing if you like the results, and if you do not, then hyalase can be used to dissolve the HA-type fillers.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The cost of Nose Fillers is considerably less expensive than a surgical rhinoplasty procedure.
  • Immediate Results: The effects are visible soon after the procedure, although final results can take a few days to appear as swelling reduces.

What are the Alternatives to Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Although non-surgical rhinoplasty may be useful for many patients, some patients may seek alternatives or longer-term solutions. For those seeking alternatives to Nose Fillers, options include:

  • Traditional Rhinoplasty: A surgical procedure that can provide permanent reshaping of the nose. This is a longer-lasting procedure that does not require repeated injections to maintain the result.
  • Thread Lifts: This involves placing temporary, dissolvable threads that pull the skin and lift the nasal tip.
  • Fat Transfer: Using one's own fat to add volume to the nose, though less common for nasal procedures. This procedure is a little less predictable as fat absorption may occur, and changes in weight gain or loss may also affect the results.

How much does a non-surgical rhinoplasty cost?

The cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty in Manchester & Cheshire varies widely depending on the type of filler used, the expertise of the doctor or nurse, and the amount used. At CLNQ, the price of non-surgical rhinoplasty is from £400 with our doctors.

Finding Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Near You

To find non-surgical rhinoplasty near you, you can start by consulting with an experienced doctor, surgeon, or nurse in a CQC-registered clinic. In Manchester and Cheshire, where you are based, there are numerous reputable clinics that offer this service.

It is crucial to choose one with a good track record and the necessary qualifications to ensure safe and effective results. We only use reputable products with good safety records. There are currently numerous fillers on the market, and some lack safety information or may even be counterfeit. Non-surgical rhinoplasty offers a less invasive alternative to traditional nose surgery, with numerous benefits and a range of options to suit different needs. However, it's important to weigh the potential risks and discuss them with a qualified professional to make an informed decision.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks of a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, though minimally invasive, carries certain risks and potential complications. The scientific community, through various studies and reviews, provides evidence-based insights into these risks. Below are some of the key risks associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty using dermal fillers.

1. Vascular Occlusion

One of the most serious risks associated with injectable fillers in non-surgical rhinoplasty is vascular occlusion, where the filler material inadvertently enters a blood vessel, causing a blockage. This can lead to tissue necrosis (death of tissue) or even more severe complications, such as blindness, if the occlusion affects the arteries that supply the eyes.

Studies have shown cases where patients experienced skin necrosis and vision impairment due to arterial occlusion caused by hyaluronic acid fillers. Research emphasizes the importance of understanding nasal vascular anatomy to minimize these risks (source: "Complications of Nasal Hyaluronic Acid Fillers and Their Management: A Review of the Literature," Facial Plastic Surgery, 2020). This is why you should always seek a qualified doctor or nurse who has knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

At CLNQ, we also offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which has been shown in studies to be beneficial in patients who had vascular occlusion and filler dissolving. This means that in the very unlikely event of a problem, we have all the treatments to help recovery and reversal.

2. Infection

Though relatively rare, infections can occur after a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure. These might be due to non-sterile techniques, the introduction of bacteria at the time of injection, or the use of contaminated fillers. This is, again, why you should go to a CQC-registered clinic that has high standards for maintaining infection control. 

A review in the "Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology" notes that infections can occur post-filler injections and may manifest as late-onset inflammatory nodules. Proper aseptic technique and timely intervention are crucial for management (source: "Infection Rates among Aesthetic Patients Using Hyaluronic Acid Fillers", 2018).

3. Allergic Reactions

Although modern fillers are generally well tolerated, allergic reactions can still occur. These reactions might range from mild redness and swelling at the injection site to more severe systemic reactions.

The incidence of allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid fillers is low, but when they occur, they can be distressing. The journal "Dermatologic Surgery" provides instances of hypersensitivity reactions, underscoring the need for allergy testing when indicated (source: "Hypersensitivity Reactions to Hyaluronic Acid Fillers", 2012).

4. Asymmetry and Unsatisfactory Results

As with any cosmetic procedure, there is a risk of asymmetry or unsatisfactory aesthetic results after non-surgical rhinoplasty. These outcomes can be due to uneven product placement, migration of the filler material, or differing rates of absorption.

According to a study in "Aesthetic Surgery Journal," patient dissatisfaction often relates to aesthetic outcomes. The study discusses techniques for achieving symmetry and the importance of patient-provider communication before the procedure (source: "Aesthetic Outcomes in Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty", 2019).

5. Prolonged Swelling or Bruising

Temporary swelling and bruising are common after filler injections, but sometimes, these symptoms can be prolonged or more severe than expected.

Research in "Dermatologic Therapy" indicates that while most swelling and bruising resolve within a week, in some cases, these can persist longer and may require intervention (source: "Management of Swelling After Facial Fillers", 2020).

6. Granulomas

Granulomas are inflammatory nodules that can form as a reaction to filler material, particularly with non-hyaluronic acid fillers. These are often delayed reactions occurring months or even years after the procedure.

The "Journal of Dermatological Treatment" discusses cases of granuloma formation post-filler injection, highlighting the need for awareness of such delayed complications and strategies for their management (source: "Granuloma Formation after Dermal Fillers", 2021).

These scientific sources highlight the importance of selecting a qualified and experienced practitioner who understands both the technical skill required for injecting fillers and the anatomy of the nose to minimize risks. Patients should also be informed about the potential complications and symptoms to watch for following non-surgical rhinoplasty.

How long does a non-surgical rhinoplasty last?

The longevity of non-surgical rhinoplasty varies depending on several factors, including the type of filler used, the individual's metabolism, the area treated, and the technique of the injector. Here's a general guideline for how long you can expect different types of Nose Fillers to last:

  1. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are among the most commonly used for non-surgical rhinoplasty due to their safety profile and effectiveness. Brands like Juvederm and Restylane can last anywhere from 6 to 18 months in the nose. HA fillers are favored because they offer reversible results and a natural feel.
  2. Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA): Calcium hydroxylapatite, such as Radiesse, is a thicker, more robust filler that can provide a slightly longer duration due to its composition. In the nasal area, CaHA fillers can last around 12 to 18 months, sometimes up to 24 months, depending on the individual's response.
  3. Poly-L-lactic Acid: Poly-L-lactic acid fillers are biostimulatory agents rather than traditional fillers. They work by stimulating the body's collagen production. While not commonly used in the nose, when they are used, their effects can last up to 2 years or more. However, their primary application is for volumisation in other facial areas.

Factors Influencing How Long Fillers Last

  • Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolisms might break down filler materials more quickly.
  • Injection Technique: The exact placement and depth of injection can affect how long the results last.
  • Amount of Filler: The volume of filler used can also impact its longevity; smaller amounts may dissipate faster.

For those considering Nose Fillers, it's essential to discuss your expectations and any concerns with our experienced filler doctors or nurses. They can advise on the best type of filler for your specific needs and how to achieve long-lasting results. Regular maintenance sessions may be necessary to preserve the desired outcome.

Dr Kajal Babamiri MD MRCGP PGDipDerm

Dr Babamiri is on the GMC GP register and has had specialist training in dermatology. She had an established aesthetic practice on Harley Street before moving to Cheshire. She featured on the ITV show Price of Perfection. She is passionate about aesthetics and has several years experience in the industry. She has extensive experience in dermal fillers, threads and lasers. She has been a trainer for a world-renowned dermal filler training academy.

The Premier Wellness & Aesthetic Clinic in Cheshire & Manchester

We are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals through our comprehensive range of personalized treatments and luxury approach. Whether you're seeking to address specific concerns, enhance your appearance, or simply optimize your well-being, we have the solution. Our team of experts is passionate about creating a welcoming and supportive environment where you can feel comfortable and confident in your journey to a more radiant you. Don't wait any longer to start your journey to optimal health and beauty.

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